On dangerousness- and risk-related issues
Available online free of charge
- Tsoukala A. (2017) ‘Dangerousness’, in Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.
- Tsoukala A. (2008) Security, Risk and Human Rights: A vanishing relationship?, Centre for European Policy Studies, Special Report.
- Tsoukala A. (2019) ‘Surveillance’, in Y.C. Zarka (ed.) Dictionnaire du temps présent, Paris: Mimésis.
- Tsoukala A. (2008) ‘Boundary-creating Processes and the Social Construction of Threat’, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, vol. 33(2): 139-154.
- Hyusmans J., Tsoukala A. (2008) ‘The Social Construction and Control of Danger in Counterterrorism’, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 33(2): 1-8.
On political violence
Available online free of charge
- Tsoukala A. (2008) ‘La presse écrite britannique et française face au terrorisme’, in D. Bigo, L. Bonelli, T. Deltombe (eds), Au nom du 11 septembre, Paris: La Découverte, pp. 283-292.
- Tsoukala A. (2006) ‘La légitimation des mesures d’exception dans la lutte antiterroriste en Europe’, Cultures & Conflits, n° 61: 35-50.
- Tsoukala A. (2018) ‘L'image contradictoire de l'actuelle guérilla urbaine grecque’, Parlement(s), 28: 19-37.
- Tsoukala A. (2014) ‘Between insurrection and “reformism”: public discourses of twenty-first century Greek armed groups’, in D. Pisoiu (ed.) Arguing Counterterrorism: New Perspectives, London: Routledge, pp. 95-120.
- Tsoukala A. (2009) ‘Terrorist threat, freedom, and politics in Europe’, in P. Noxolo, J. Huysmans (eds), Community, Citizenship and the ‘War on Terror’: Security and Insecurity, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 71-88.
- Bigo D., Tsoukala A. (eds) (2008) Terror, Insecurity and Liberty. Illiberal practices of liberal regimes after 9/11, London: Routledge.
- Tsoukala A. (2008) ‘Defining Terrorism in the Post-September 11th Era’, in D. Bigo, A. Tsoukala (eds), Terror, Insecurity and Liberty, London: Routledge, pp. 49-99.
- Tsoukala A. (2006) ‘Democracy in the Light of Security. British and French Political Discourses on Domestic Counterterrorism Policies’, Political Studies, 54(3): 607-627.
- Tsoukala A. (2004) ‘Democracy Against Security: The Debates About Counter-terrorism in the European Parliament, September 2001-June 2003’, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 29(4): 417-439.
- Tsoukala A. (1993) ‘Les nouvelles politiques contre le crime organisé en Grèce’, Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé, n° 3: 603-608.
On migration
Available online free of charge
- Tsoukala A. (2002) ‘Le traitement médiatique de la criminalité étrangère en Europe’, Déviance et société, n° 1: 61-82.
- Tsoukala A. (2002) ‘Le pacte de stabilité pour l’Europe du Sud-Est’, Cultures & Conflits, 2002, n° 46(2):117-125.
- Tsoukala A. (2000) ‘Stabilitätspakt für Südosteuropa. Polizeihilfe mit Abhängigen’, Bürgerrechte & Polizei, 3: 63-69.
- Tsoukala A. (2000) ‘Crime et immigration en Europe’, Centre d’Etudes de l’Ethnicité et des Migrations, Université de Liège, Working Paper.
- Tsoukala A. (1999)‘Le discours grec sur la criminalité des immigrés’, Hommes & Migrations, n° 1218: 77-89.
- Tsoukala A. (1997) ‘Le contrôle de l'immigration en Grèce dans les années quatre-vingt-dix’, Cultures & Conflits, n° 26/27: 51-72.
- Tsoukala A., Ceyhan Α. (1997) ‘Contrôle de l’immigration: mythes et réalités’, Cultures & Conflits, n° 26/27: 9-14.
- Tsoukala A. (2015) ‘False Narratives in the Migration Debate: Playing Games With Immigrants’ Lives in Greece’, in D. Acosta, A. Wiesbrock (eds), Global Migration: Old Assumptions, New Dynamics, Westport: Praeger International, pp. 47-70 (3rd vol.).
- Tsoukala A. (2011) ‘Turning Migrants into Security Threats. A Multi-Faceted Process’, in G. Lazaridis (ed.) Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 179-199.
- Tsoukala A. (2011) ‘The administrative detention of foreigners in France. An expanding network of exclusionary spaces’, in A. Mehra, R. Levy (eds), Civil Society, State and the Police: Perspectives from India and France, New Delhi: Pearson Education, pp. 186-196.
- Tsoukala A. (2007) ‘The terrorism-immigration nexus in the post-September 11th era. An analysis of the political discourses in the British Press’, in E. Berggren, B. Likic-Brboric, G. Tokzös, N. Trimikliniotis (eds), Irregular Migration, Informal Labour and Community: A Challenge for Europe, Maastricht: Shaker, pp. 391-400.
- Tsoukala A. (2005) ‘Looking at immigrants as enemies’, in D. Bigo, E. Guild (eds), Controlling Frontiers. Free Movement into and within Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 161-192.
- Tsoukala A. (2004) ‘La criminalisation des immigrés en Europe’, in L. Bonelli, G. Sainati (eds), La Machine à punir. Pratiques et discours sécuritaires, Paris: L’Esprit frappeur, pp. 314-385.
- Ceyhan A., Tsoukala A. (2002) ‘The Securitization of Immigration in Western Societies: Ambivalent discourses and policies’, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 27(suppl.): 21-39.
- Τσουκαλά Α. (2001) Μετανάστευση και εγκληματικότητα στην Ευρώπη, Αθήνα: Αντ. Σάκκουλας.
- Tsoukala, A. (1999) ‘The perception of the “other” and the integration of immigrants in Greece’, in A. Geddes and A. Favell (eds), The Politics of Belonging: Migrants and Minorities in Contemporary Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 109-124.
- Tsoukala, A. (1998) ‘The immigrants’ arrival and social integration in Greece’, in OECD, Migrations, Free Trade and Regional Integration in the Mediterranean Basin, Paris: OECD, pp. 189-201.
- Tsoukala, A. (1994) ‘La réforme du droit grec en matière d'immigration. L'entrée et l'éloignement des étrangers non communautaires’, Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé, n° 4: 747-757.
On football-related violence
Available online free of charge
- Tsoukala A. (2009) ‘Combating football crowd disorder at the European level: an ongoing institutionalisation of the control of deviance’, The Entertainment and Sports Law Journal vol. 7(2).
- Tsoukala A. (2007) Security Policies and Human Rights in European Football Stadia, Centre for European Policy Studies.
- Tsoukala A. (2003) ‘Les nouvelles politiques de contrôle du hooliganisme en Europe: de la fusion sécuritaire au multipositionnement de la menace’, Cultures & Conflits, n° 51: 83-96.
- Tsoukala A. (2018) ‘Violence at sporting events’, in R. Parrish, B. Garcia, J. Anderson (eds), Research Handbook on European Sports Law, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 139-156.
- Tsoukala A. (2018) ‘Violencia en el fútbol’, in M. Tenca, E. Méndez Ortiz (eds), Manual de prevención del delito y seguridad ciudadana, Buenos Aires: Ediciones Didot, pp. 397-416.
- Tsoukala A., Pearson G., Coenen P. (eds) (2016) Legal Responses to Football ‘Hooliganism’ in Europe, The Hague: Asser Institute.
- Tsoukala A. (2016) ‘Regulating football-related violence in France’, in A. Tsoukala, G. Pearson, P. Coenen (eds), Legal Responses to Football ‘Hooliganism’ in Europe, The Hague: Asser Institute, pp. 75-92.
- Tsoukala A. (2014) ‘Administrar a violência nos estádios da Europa: quais racionalidades?’, in B. Borges Buarque de Hollanda, H. Baldy dos Reis (eds), Hooliganismo e Copa de 2014, Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, pp. 21-35.
- Tsoukala A. (2013) ‘Controlling football-related violence in France: law and order versus rule of law’, Sport in Society 16(2): 140-150.
- Tσουκαλά A. (2013) ‘Περί «επικινδυνότητας» της οπαδικής βίας. Πολιτικά παιγνίδια εξουσίας στην Ιταλία και Ελλάδα’, in Γ. Ζαϊμάκης, Ν. Κοταρίδης (επιμ.), Ποδόσφαιρο και κοινότητες οπαδών. Αντιπαλότητες και πολιτικές της ταυτότητας, Αθήνα: Πλέθρον, σελ. 202-220.
- Tsoukala A. (2011) ‘Timing “dangerousness”: football crowd disorder in the Italian and Greek press’, Sport in Society, 14(5): 598-611.
- Tsoukala A. (2009) Football Hooliganism in Europe. Security and Civil Liberties in the Balance, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
(2010) Hooliganisme en Europe. Sécurité et libertés publiques, Québec: Athéna [transl.] - Tsoukala A. (2008) ‘Dispositifs de sécurité et libertés publiques dans les stades’, in C. Jaccoud, T. Busset, D. Malatesta, J.P. Dubey (eds), Le football à l’épreuve de la violence et de l’extrémisme, Lausanne: Antipodes, pp. 189-207.
- Tsoukala A. (2008) Security policies in connection with football matches with an international dimension, Standard Briefing Note for the European Parliament, in D. Bigo, A. Tsoukala (eds), Controlling Security, Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 111-122.
- Tsoukala A. (2004) ‘La construction médiatique de la figure du hooligan dans la presse française’, in Société de Sociologie du Sport de Langue Française, Dispositions et pratiques sportives. Débats actuels en sociologie du sport, Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 345-360.
- Tsoukala A. (2002) ‘Le hooliganisme et la protection de la sécurité intérieure en Europe. Quels enjeux ?’, Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, n° 3: 310-322.
- Tsoukala A. (2002) ‘Avrupa’da Holiganlaşmayla Mücadele: Kamusal Özgürlükler Tehlikede mi ?’, Toplumbilim, n°16: 27-31.
- Tsoukala A. (2001) ‘La gestion policière du hooliganisme en Angleterre, en Italie et aux Pays-Bas’, in J.C. Basson (ed.), Sport et ordre public, Paris: IHESI/La Documentation française, pp. 159-174.
- Tσουκαλά A. (1999) Η αστυνόμευση των αθλητικών εκδηλώσεων. Η αντιμετώπιση του χουλιγκανισμού στην Αγγλία, στην Ιταλία και στην Ολλανδία, Αθήνα: Αντ. Σάκκουλας.
- Tsoukala A. (1996) ‘Vers une homogénéisation des stratégies policières à l’encontre du hooliganisme en Europe?’, Les Cahiers de la sécurité intérieure, n° 26: 108-117.
- Tsoukala A. (1995) Sport et violence. L’évolution de la politique criminelle à l’égard du hooliganisme en Angleterre et en Italie 1970-1995, Athens/Brussels: Sakkoulas/Bruylant.
On sports mega-events
- Tsoukala A. (2015) ‘Asymmetric Power Relations (Athens 2004)’, in V. Bajc (ed.) Surveilling and Securing the Olympics. From Tokyo 1964 to London 2012 and beyond, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 275-296.
- Tsoukala A. (2006) ‘The Security Issue at the 2004 Olympics’, European Journal for Sport and Society, 3(1): 43-54.